Extended Enterprise LMS

Extend your Training to External Learners


An Extended Enterprise LMS has the ability to reach both internal and external learners through the same platform and give all of them specialized learning paths based on their relationship with your company while allowing you to administer a single LMS, maintain a single content catalog and run reports across all learners.Buying an LMS, especially for an extended enterprise, requires more than just a software decision.

What's inside the LMS White Paper?

13 pages of information that will help you design an extended enterprise  training program.

Define your Scope
When planning for an Extended Enterprise LMS, it is a good to start by understanding exactly who you will be training and how you will be training them.  Your goal is to establish the overall scope of the project. To accommodate your unique training needs, Accord LMS offers both Learning Roles and Teams.

Identify your Functional Requirements

Identify the features you need to create and organize your content and deliver that content to the appropriate learners. In addition you will want to understand what automation tools are available to help you manage all of your content and learners.

Select a Partner
Buying a learning management system, especially for an extended enterprise, requires more than just a software decision.  You will also want to evaluate your vendor as a partner.  A partner that offers both online and live one-on-one training.  A partner who will help implement your system and provide prompt support when you need it.

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